5 Documents First-time Home-buyers Need for a Smoother Purchasing Process

With all the work that goes into finding the kind of home you'll want to put an offer on, it can be easy to forget about all the little things that happen after the deal has been made. While the paperwork involved in purchasing may seem like a long way off, here's a quick review of some of the documents you'll need when the time comes to seal the deal. Your Credit Report It's important to review your credit before putting an offer in, so ensure that you request your credit report in advance and review it for any errors…
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Investor Thoughts: What Home-buyers Can Learn from a Real Estate Investor’s Stand-point

There are plenty of things to consider when purchasing a home, from the size of place that you're looking for to the amount of home you're able to afford. While it's certainly worth knowing what you want going in, here are a few factors that investors often think about when it comes to making or breaking the appeal of a real estate purchase. Will The Location Last? 'Location, location, location' is a popular expression for a reason, and it's among the first things that any person purchasing a property will consider when they think about long term-investment potential. It can…
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Ready to Move in to Your New Home? Not So Fast! Take Care of These 3 Items Before the Big Move

With the excitement involved in moving into a new home and all of the things that need to be done, it can be easy to forget a few important things before you load up the moving van. If the day of departure is drawing closer and you're mulling over the final details, here are some items you may want to check off the list first. Install A New Lock One of the most important aspects of home ownership is the feeling of security it automatically provides, so you'll want to change out the locks on the doors before you embark…
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