Should You Be Worried About Skipping Multiple Mortgage Payments? Yes, and Here’s Why

From time to time, a homeowner may struggle to make a mortgage payment on time. Most will be able to make the missing payment a week or two later when the next paycheck arrives. However, others may find themselves in a situation where they are unable to make multiple payments in a row. If you are skipping multiple mortgage payments, you should be concerned about your financial situation. There are several important reasons why you may want to take action to improve your situation or to work out a payment arrangement with your mortgage company. Falling Too Far Behind To…
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How Does Making Lump Sum Payments Affect Your Mortgage? Let’s Take a Look

Periodically, many homeowners will receive a rather sizable amount of extra cash. This may be from a bonus from your employer, a refund on your tax return, a financial gift from a relative or something else altogether. While there are many things that you could do with your windfall, you may be wondering if paying down your mortgage balance is a wise idea. Before you make your decision about how to spend your money, consider what impact your lump sum payment will have on your mortgage. Reduction in Principal Balance The most obvious impact a lump sum payment will have…
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3 Reasons Why Your Mortgage Lender Might Ask for Your Tax Returns – And Why You Should Provide Them

After you have completed the initial loan application and have signed the preliminary loan disclosures, your mortgage loan application will generally receive a preliminary prequalification. This prequalification will be based in large part on your ability to provide documentation to support your statements on your loan application, including your stated income and assets. Typically, a lender will include a request for least the last two to three years of your income tax returns with this documentation. There are several reasons why a lender may need to review your tax returns and why you should provide requested documentation as soon it…
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