Home Mortgage Tips , ,

You Ask, We Answer: How Often Should I Refinance the Mortgage on My House?

Refinancing a home mortgage can provide you with an incredible range of benefits. These include everything from reducing your mortgage term and lowering your payments to helping you more effectively build equity or pulling equity out to use for beneficial purposes. One common question that many homeowners ask is how often a mortgage should be refinanced. While there are benefits associated with mortgage refinancing, there are also some points to consider before you rush into the process. Think About Refinancing Costs First, remember that each mortgage application will come with refinancing costs. These costs can equate to thousands of dollars…
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Home Mortgage Tips , ,

Mortgage Refinancing: How to Ensure a ‘Re-Fi’ Makes the Most Sense for Your Financial Situation

Refinancing your mortgage can make good financial sense, as long as you are doing it for the right reasons. Before considering a refinance, it's worth spending some time to assess what your financial goals are. Lowering Your Interest Rate One of the most common reasons to refinance a mortgage is to take advantage of a lower interest rate. Because mortgages are long-term loans, even a slight drop in the interest rate on the loan can make thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars of difference over the life of the loan. Before refinancing to get a lower rate, you'll…
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Mortgage Rates , ,

How Low Can They Go: With Mortgage Interest Rates Low, Should You Refinance?

Do you have a mortgage? You've likely seen or heard a lot about mortgage refinancing as interest rates remained low in recent months. In today's blog post we'll explore the topic of mortgage refinancing, including when you should consider refinancing and how to take advantage of low interest rates. What is Mortgage Refinancing? In simple terms, refinancing refers to the practice of taking out a new mortgage and using the proceeds to pay off your old one in its entirety. You'll go through the full borrowing process with your chosen lender, including the credit check, financial history and employment history…
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