3 Classic Credit Mistakes to Avoid If You’re Trying to Secure a Mortgage Loan

The mortgage application process can be fraught with a lot of stress on its own, but if you've experienced issues with your credit in the past it can be even more taxing. While there may be a lot of things you may not be aware of when it comes to their impact on your credit, here are some things to watch out for if you're planning on purchasing a home in the short-term future. Applying For Extra Credit Whether you've just been offered a great new deal by a department store or you're not even thinking about it, new credit…
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Did You Know? How Accelerating Your Mortgage Payments Can Help Your Credit Score

The tough part might be over after your mortgage has been approved, but it's still important to keep on top of your monthly payments and maintain a good credit score for your financial future. If you're currently wondering how increasing your mortgage payments can help your credit outlook, here are some things to consider. Change Your Payment Schedule Most people opt for a monthly mortgage payment, which can certainly stretch the budget but is still something that can be maintained consistently. However, what many homeowners don't realize is that more consistent payments, like a bi-weekly or even weekly payment, can…
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Til’ Debt Do Us Part: How to Get a Mortgage If One Spouse Has A Poor Credit Score

A poor credit history is a reality for many people, but it can be particularly daunting when it comes to investing in a house. Fortunately, simply because you or yours have experienced bad credit doesn't mean that you should be penalized in the future. If your spouse has struggled with bad credit in the past but you're both preparing to move forward and invest in a home, here are some tips for getting it together financially. Face The Music Many people who have bad credit are too scared to take a look at their credit report and broach it honestly,…
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