Finding Your Latte Factor: 3 Ways to Find the Money to Make Extra Mortgage Payments

It's not uncommon for a homeowner to want to pay more than the minimum monthly mortgage payment on their home. However, just because it can seem hard to come up with the funds on a monthly basis doesn't mean it's not possible to find the money for extra mortgage payments each year. If you're wondering how you can pay down your mortgage debt much sooner with extra money, here are some tricks you may want to try. Relinquish Your Refund Many people look forward to tax time because it's an opportunity to spend their refund on shopping, dining or a much-needed…
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Forget About the Bank of Mom and Dad — Here’s How You Can Save Your Own Down Payment

Are you considering buying a home for the first time? For some, it can seem nearly impossible to come up with the funds for the down payment. Fortunately, there are a few ways that you can save a little over time and not have to borrow from the "Bank of Mom and Dad". If you're looking to invest in a home in the short-term and are looking for solutions to save up, here are some tips on how to get to your down payment amount more quickly. Create A Budget Most people don't like the idea of a budget, but…
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Mortgage Tips: Answers to 4 Common Questions About Reverse Mortgages

There are many mortgage products on the market that work for all different kinds of homebuyers, but many people have not heard about reverse mortgages and how they can benefit their situation. If you're curious about this type of mortgage and want to know more, here are some questions that will get you on the road to understanding the ins-and-outs of this product. What's A Reverse Mortgage? The reverse mortgage was created in the wake of the 2008 recession and is commonly known as HECM, the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage for Purchase. While this mortgage option is beneficial for those…
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