Worried That Your Past Student Loan Debt Might Delay Buying a Home? Here’s What to Do

Whether you are just about to graduate college or you have been out of school for a few years, there's a good chance you're carrying some amount of student loan debt. It seems that news headlines are regularly pointing out that the nation's graduates are suffering from the stress of student debt. Moreover, that pressure can be even worse for those who are looking to buy a home and start putting some roots down in the local community. Are you worried that past student loan debt will affect your chances of buying a home? Let's run through a few tips…
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Understanding ‘Bridge’ Financing: How to Buy a New Home Before You Sell Your Current One

One of the biggest challenges a homeowner can face when looking to upgrade or move is trying to sell their current home while buying another. If most of your net worth or equity is locked up in your current house, you will need to move it into cash to help fund the purchase of your new home. The alternative is to wait until your home is sold and you receive the funds before trying to buy a new one – but you could end up waiting for months. The great news is that there are bridge financing options available to…
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How Much Is the Right Amount to Commit to Your Down Payment? Let’s Take a Look

Are you thinking about buying a new home? If you are going to take out mortgage financing, one consideration you will have is your down payment, which is the amount you pay up front in cash to cover some of the purchase cost. Let's consider a few points that will help you to decide how much is the right amount for your down payment. How Much Do You Have? The most obvious question you will need to answer is: how much do I realistically have to place as a down payment? Keep in mind that your down payment is money…
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