Have You Had Trouble Getting a Mortgage? Three Tips for Sprucing Up Your Credit Before Reapplying

If you've had some trouble getting approved for a mortgage recently, you're not alone. Many individuals face mortgage challenges due to past blemishes on their credit reports or a personal financial crisis that resulted in bills not being paid on time. In this post we'll share three quick tips for sprucing up your personal credit before reapplying for a mortgage. With a bit of luck and hard work you can be on your way to purchasing that new dream home. Pay Off Your Credit Cards And Lines Of Credit The easiest way to improve your credit score and prove that…
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Buying a Home? 4 Steps You Can Take to Ensure You Start out with a Low Monthly Mortgage Payment

Are you thinking about buying a new house or condo? If so, you've likely given some thought to your mortgage and as to how you can pay as little as possible in order to own your new home. Below we'll share four easy steps that you can take to ensure you start out with an affordable monthly mortgage payment. Make A Large Down Payment On Your Home The easiest way to reduce your monthly payment is to invest as much as possible in your down payment. The less you have to borrow, the less you'll be required to pay back.…
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First-time Home Buyer? Don’t Miss These Tips to Ensure Your Mortgage Application is Approved

Are you buying a home for the first time? Congratulations! Buying your own home is an excellent way to build your net worth while living in a space that you can renovate and truly make your own. If you're going to be taking out a mortgage to help pay for the up-front costs of your home, you'll want to get a head start on the approval process. With that in mind, below are four handy tips to ensure that your mortgage application is approved on your first try. Gather All Of The Necessary Information And Paperwork You're going to need…
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