Seller’s Remorse: How to Move on From Your Old Home Once You’ve Sold It

There's often so much enthusiasm that goes along with buying a home that the idea of leaving the old one behind is left in the dust. But, while you may love both your old home and your new home, it can be difficult to leave what's old behind. If you're struggling with adjusting to your new dwelling place, here are some tips for how to make it feel like it's where you belong. Purchase A New Piece In all likelihood, you'll be moving a lot of your old furniture into your new home, which means it will have all of…
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3 Bedroom Staging Tips That Will Get Potential Buyers Excited About Your Home

Arranging an open house is one of the most important parts of selling your home, but there can be a lot of tricks involved in staging it so you'll get the right offers. While the kitchen and the living room may be a bit more straightforward, here are some tips for staging your bedroom that will be sure to get buyers interested in making an offer on your home. Brighten The Bedding It's one thing to have makeshift bedding when you only have your family to impress, but when it comes to having an open house, you'll need to be…
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Yes, It’s True! Why Replacing Your Front Door Can Help to Sell Your Home Faster

There are plenty of things that you'll need to shape up when you embark on selling your home, whether it's painting the house or the minor fix-ups, but it's easy to forget about some items that will be readily apparent to homebuyers. If you're preparing to put your home on the market and are wondering what you shouldn't miss, here are a few reasons why replacing your front door should be at the top of the list. It's The First Thing Buyers Will Notice While the yard and the exterior of your home may be the most noticeable things to…
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