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Ensuring A Stress-Less Closing

Buying a home is an exciting and exhilarating time. Between the time your offer is accepted, and when you finally have keys in hand and you are ready to step into your new home, it can be stressful. The escrow period, also known as the closing, can take the most easygoing home buyer to the brink of insanity. After you have negotiated your best price and come to an agreement, there are ways to make the escrow process less anxiety-provoking. Here are some tips from top real estate agents to help you get through the escrow process without losing your…
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The Home-Buying Closing Process in a Nutshell

The closing process for a home purchase is an exciting time. The home is finished, the purchase is ready to be finalized and it's almost time to move in. The final steps of the closing process ensures both parties are able to meet their requirements and all the paperwork is in place and verified. The Key Players There are actually four parties involved in a typical closing: the buyer, the seller, the bank or lender financing the purchase, and the escrow agent. Each has an important role in making sure the closing happens effectively and efficiently. As is common with…
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Questions and Answers Regarding Escrow Accounts

Whether you are purchasing a new home or you are considering applying to refinance your home, chances are the lender will require an escrow account. These accounts are often a source of confusion for homeowners. In reality, these accounts benefit the homeowner and help protect the lender. What is an escrow account? Escrow accounts are sometimes called "impound" accounts. These accounts are set up to help manage payments of property taxes and homeowner's insurance. Depending on the individual requirements of the lender, you may be asked to pay as much as one-quarter of these upfront and they will be put…
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