First-time Home Buyers: Why Splurging for a Larger Home Beats Condo Living

Some first-time home buyers are on a tight budget when making their real estate purchase, and there may be an inclination by many to purchase a smaller property, such as a condo, rather than the home they truly want. While there may be some initial financial benefit associated with buying a smaller property, there are a few benefits associated with splurging and buying a larger home as a first purchase. By analyzing these benefits, first-time home buyers can make a more informed decision about how to proceed. Costs Associated With Upgrading In The Future Some people will purchase a smaller…
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House Hunting? Watch for These 5 Red Flags when Viewing Potential New Homes

From the sales price to the general layout of the building, there are numerous factors that buyers will consider when touring homes. While there are specific factors that buyers may be searching for in a new house, there are also a few warning signs that home buyers should keep their eyes open for. The following are among the top red flags that may serve as warning signs. Signs Of Poor Home Maintenance It is reasonable to expect all homes to have some signs of wear and tear unless they are new construction. However, it is also reasonable to expect that…
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3 Reasons Why Your Closing Costs Will Vary Depending on the Type of Home You Buy

Savvy home buyers who are preparing to make a real estate purchase should do their research and understand that they need to save money for not only the down payment, but the closing costs as well. The closing costs can account for as much as three to five percent of the sales price in some cases, so this can be a rather sizable amount of money. Some home buyers however, may not realize that the amount of closing costs can vary considerably based on the home that is purchased. With a closer look at why this is, home buyers can…
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