Five Tips for Managing Your Monthly Budget to Ensure Your Mortgage is Paid On-Time, Every Time

Homeowners who are struggling to make their monthly mortgage payments can make it easier on themselves by cutting costs in other areas. Learning how to budget effectively will likely enable homeowners to pay their mortgage payments on-time, every time. Here are five of the best budget tips: Conserve Energy It is advisable to be mindful of energy use in order to keep utility bills down to a minimum. Lights, televisions and other devices requiring electrical power are best to leave off in unoccupied rooms. It is also a good idea to make sure that windows and doors are properly sealed…
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The Summer Buying Season Is Here: 3 Tips to Help You Secure a Favorable Mortgage Rate

The best way to ensure you get a good rate on your mortgage is to become an informed buyer. The more you know about mortgages, the more you'll be able to save, and that doesn't just mean knowing where to find the best interest rate. While interest rates play an important role in determining the price of your mortgage, there's always more to a mortgage than just the interest rate. Here are three things you need to know about mortgages to make sure you secure a favorable rate. Understand The Fees Involved - And How To Avoid Them Aside from…
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What’s Ahead For Mortgage Rates This Week – July 28, 2014

Last week's economic news brought several housing-related reports, which indicated varying results in terms of gauging the economic recovery. FHFA reported slower growth of home prices associated with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgages, but sales of existing homes as reported by the National Association of REALTORS® surpassed expectations and May's reading. Sales of new homes slumped to their lowest level in three months. Weekly jobless claims were lower than expected and also lower than for the prior week. FHFA Home Prices Grow at Slower Rate, Existing Home Sales Higher than Expected  The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) reported that…
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