Can You Give a Relative a Gift of Cash for a Mortgage Down Payment? Yes – Here’s How

A new house is a major investment. Even if you have a mortgage, the bank and the seller will still expect a sizeable down payment. That's why lots of people regularly gift down payments to friends and relatives - it's a great way to help young people start out on the path of home ownership. But what are the rules around gifting down payments? Can you simply give someone everything they need? Although it's a generous thought, it's not always possible - here's what you need to know. Make Sure You Write a Gift Letter If you're giving one of…
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Buying a Home This Fall? Here’s How Your Choice of Neighborhood Will Impact Your Mortgage

If you're planning to buy a home in the next few months, you'll want to ensure you choose a great neighborhood to live in - not just because it can improve your quality of life, but also because it can help you get a mortgage. Neighborhood is a factor that lenders consider when you apply for a mortgage, which is why you'll want to consider a neighborhood's mortgage implications as well. Here's what you need to know about how the neighborhood you buy into affects the kind of mortgage you can get. A Neighborhood Full of Foreclosed Homes Decreases Your…
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How Much Should You Budget for Closing Costs? Let’s Take a Look

If you're in the market for a new home, you're probably trying to budget for all of the expenses that come with a home purchase. After all, the asking price isn't necessarily the entire amount that you'll pay - there are other expenses that will factor in to the final price. One such expense is your closing costs. Closing costs are the miscellaneous fees you'll pay when you sign the deal to buy your home. But how much do you need to save up for closing costs? Here's what you need to know. The General Guideline for What to Expect…
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