Refinance Now or Wait? How to Determine the Best Time to Refinance Your Mortgage

Refinancing your mortgage is a great way to reduce your monthly payments or take out some of the equity in your home to reinvest in renovations, upgrades or in other areas in your financial portfolio. Let's take a quick look at a few questions that you can ask yourself in order to determine whether you should refinance now or wait until sometime in the future. Can You Lock In A Lower Interest Rate? Depending on when you first purchased your home and took out your mortgage, you may find that by refinancing now you can lock in a lower interest…
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Refi or Wait? How to Choose Between Refinancing Your Mortgage Now or Waiting Until You Need the Money

Refinancing your existing mortgage may provide you with the opportunity to lower your interest rate, reduce your mortgage payment and adjust your loan term. For those homeowners who have lived in their home for more than a few years, pulling equity out of the property for everything from a luxurious vacation to making home improvements is a tempting potential benefit. However, with property values and interest rates adjusting frequently, you may wonder if now is the best time to refinance your mortgage. Using Equity From Your Refinance One factor to consider when debating between refinancing now and waiting relates to…
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An Insider’s Guide to Reducing Your Remaining Mortgage Years Through a Smart Refinance

Is it always the best idea to pay off a mortgage over 30 years? While it may help a homeowner lower his or her monthly payment, it can mean paying more in interest and waiting several more years to build sufficient equity in the home. The question can a homeowner reduce the amount of time it takes to pay off a mortgage by refinancing his or her loan? A few methods for reducing your mortgage term are explained below. Refinance From A 30-Year Mortgage To A 15-Year Mortgage For those who don't want to wait any longer than necessary…
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